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Moadim U’zmanim / Holidays | 10/13/2024

Yom Kippur Yizkor: Crying over Lost Moments

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Moadim U’zmanim / Holidays | 10/13/2024

Kol Nidrei: The "Ish Iti" and how each one of us can be a Baal Teshuva

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Weekly Blog | 10/07/2024

Processing October 7th with High School Students

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Weekly Drasha | 10/07/2024

Nurturing Love and Embracing Sacrifice: A Rosh Hashana Reflection

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Machshava / Jewish Thought | 10/11/2024

Aggadot Perek Chelek #14: A home without Torah study at night... and o...

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Moadim U’zmanim / Holidays | 10/06/2024

Shabbat Shuvah drasha 5785: Shabbat Shabbaton of Yom Kippur - Distingu...

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Moadim U’zmanim / Holidays | 10/06/2024

Nurturing Love and Embracing Sacrifice: A Rosh Hashana Reflection

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Halacha / Jewish Law | 09/30/2024

Bishul akum with a housekeeper

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Moadim U’zmanim / Holidays | 09/30/2024

Three types of vidui

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Machshava / Jewish Thought | 09/26/2024

Aggadot Perek Chelek #13: The value of de'ah

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Nitzavim | 09/26/2024

Does the Torah believe in original sin?

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Halacha / Jewish Law | 09/25/2024

Saying something negative about a Jew to protect a non-Jew

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